I typed Player.AddPerk 1, and A instantly received the invisibility effect. This time, Companion A was a active companion. I added perk(invisibility effect) to all my companions by using Player.AddPerk 1 both A and B instantly became invisible, however, when I typed SetPlayerTeammate 0 to A, A still maintained the the invisibility.ī lost its invisibility instantly, but A still maintained the invisibility effect. Trista Jim Posts: 3308 Joined: Sat 10:39 pm So in the above scenario, Raul would no longer have the benefits of RaulShotgunSurgeon if he left the party. N.B.: The effects will ONLY work while a companion is in the party.

Even if Raul leaves the party, you shouldn't have to worry about the perk hanging out on the player as long as the perk owner conditions are filtered properly. if you want to give Raul the equivalent of Shotgun Surgeon for some reason, make a special "RaulShotgunSurgeonPerk" that's filtered just to him, and add it to the player with player.addperk RaulShotgunSurgeonPerk 1 the first time Raul is hired. I recommend making special companion versions of perks even if you want to use existing effects. If you want the perk to be special for the companion, check the NPC's ID or ref in the perk owner conditions. If you want the effect to apply to all companions, you do not need to conditionalize the perk owner conditions for the perk's entry points. Companions will still not store/keep perks, but we give the player a second list of non-displayed perks that only apply to companions.

The "1" means "put this on the special list for companions". Or, more accurately, it is the ability to add perks to a special list on the player the will have an effect on any active followers. It is the ability to give perks to companions. There is an undocumented feature in F:NV that some modders may find useful.